Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Write Stuff

As many of my close friends know, I've been mulling my Great Kiwi Novel Kiwianatopia for some small time now. It's still all in my head, as I have had issues with not only breathing life into the characters, but also a grand fear of turning out anything less than a goddamn masterpiece. It doesn't help that I compare everything to Alan Moore's portfolio.

Thankfully, I've had some excellent advice. Apart from The Guardian's advice (Part One, Part Two) from some of my favourite authors, including Neil Gaiman, Will Self and Ian Rankin, I highly recommend Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe Special, which includes such luminaries as Dr Who's Russell T Davies, the guy behind Black Books and Father Ted, and the Eastenders' scribe:

But what I really need is a muse...