Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Magnificent 7 fights on

In spite of TVNZ nicking a Bob Marley anthem to promote its Land of Coro Street bland landscape, it has been ages since they did a non-hysterical story on cannabis. Apart from cutting and pasting the Peter Davy story from Fairfax, the last bit of balanced reportage was this Breakfast interview on the benefits on medical cannabis from back in April.

Thank Dagg for TVNZ7. Russell Brown occasionally looks at the subject on Media7, most recently in the episode on evidence based research.

It was also heartening to watch Damien Christie's excellent Hindsight program on drugs last night. There was a lucid explanation of the United Nations Convention that sparked this persecution in the first place, as well as sobering interviews with the NZ Drug Foundation's Ross Bell and the Hempstore's Chris Fowlie.

The fight continues...